Hey everyone!
It’s been a few months since we first welcomed Grace into the world and what a ride it has been! She is the cutest, sweetest, happiest, most chill baby. We are so grateful for her and her fun personality. During this time, there have been A LOT of new things we have had to adjust to in terms of life with a baby. Some of you asked me what her schedule looks like right now so I decided to share. Please note that all babies are SO DIFFERENT and this is just what works for us. Also, the time frames for everything are rough estimates and each day doesn’t perfectly follow this schedule, especially if we are on-the-go. If anything, this is our *goal* for the day and most of the time she is able to follow it pretty well.
6:30-7:30am | Begin our day
This is around the time that Grace starts waking up for the day. Diaper change, wet hair and face with a little water to “refresh”, comb hair, put on teething necklace, moisturize face/body, and give her a teething tablet. We try to keep her awake and “busy” for a while, then when she gets fussy we do another diaper change and finally a bottle.
10:30am | Nap #1
She usually falls asleep sometime around now. We put her in her SnuggleMe in her crib in her room and watch her on the baby monitor. Her naps range anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the day.
12:00pm | Awake
Diaper change, put on new outfit for the day, awake time in bouncer, playing/talking to her, with toys etc until she starts getting fussy. Then another diaper change and bottle before she falls asleep again.
2:00pm | Nap #2
Again, this can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.
3:30pm | Awake
Diaper change, awake time for as long as possible before she gets fussy, diaper change, and then a bottle.
5:00pm | Nap #3
Again, this can last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours.
6:30pm | Awake
Diaper change, awake time for as long as possible before she gets fussy, diaper change, and then we finally give her a bottle.
8:00pm | Bathtime Routine (every other day)
We give Grace a bath every other day. On the days we don’t give her a bath, we try to keep her awake an extra 30 minutes to an hour and give her a little extra feeding. For her bathtime routine we do the following things in this order:
- shampoo & body wash / dry off
- new diaper
- lavender lotion on body
- tubby todd all over ointment on face and scalp
- aquaphor baby on neck area and in rolls as needed
- put on fresh new onesie
- brush hair
- clean earrings
8:30 or 9:00pm | Bedtime Routine
This is what we do for Grace’s bedtime routine:
- put on fresh new onesie (if it’s not bath night)
- give her a teething tablet
- lavender lotion on body
- swaddle
- sound machine on
- bottle (feeding + burping takes about 30-40 minutes)
- asleep
- we lay her down in her crib in her room (NO SnuggleMe)
- when we’re ready to go to bed, we transfer her (swaddled) from her room to a playard in our room. we use the hatch in our room for her sound machine. Right now Grace sleeps for about 9.5 hours.