WOW. 2019 really flew by, didn’t it?? I’m having a hard time believing that it’s really about to be 2020 and that I really have an almost 9-month-old. Anyway, I’m the type of person that LOVES setting goals, and the start of a new year gives me some serious energy to dream big and work hard. I’m also a believer in writing a detailed plan for each goal, but I don’t want to get too descriptive here (I’ll save that for my own notes). So I’ll keep them short and sweet. Here we go!
Take blogging more seriously.
- I’ve been blogging for years and have always did it for fun to document our life and share things I’m passionate about. This year I plan on taking it more seriously, create an extra source of income for our family, and continue being genuine about the things I share and brands I work with. Expect more posts about fashion, beauty, baby, home decor, and travel!
Compete in a jiu-jitsu tournament.
- I have always been curious about how I would do in a tournament, so I figure I should find out instead of always wondering. It will be an exciting, intimidating, and humbling experience for sure.
Earn my pink belt in the Women Empowered program and make progress towards my blue belt.
- I’m a big fan of learning self-defense as a woman and the Women Empowered program has been an amazing experience for me since having Grace. Earning your pink belt is a sign that you have mastered the program and you bet that I’ll have mine before the end of 2020. Continuing on that note, I plan to keep making progress towards earning my blue belt at our gym Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Apple Valley.
Complete a Spartan Race.
- There’s just something about a mud run + obstacle course that excites me lol. Call me weird, but seriously it does! I plan on signing up either way but I’d love to do a Spartan Race with a group of people. So if you’re down to do it with me, let me know!
Do more pull-ups than before I was pregnant (8+).
- Upper body strength has always been something I’ve struggled with, so when I was able to finally do 1 pull-up I was stoked. Then I did 2, then 3, then 4… and before I knew it I was able to do 7 unassisted pull-ups (this means a lot to a girl with little upper body strength!) Once I got pregnant, I had to take a break from pull-ups and all my hard work went out the window. So for 2020, 8 or more pull-ups (unassisted) will make me a happy girl.
Keep toxic and negative people out of my life.
- Becoming a mom this year truly taught me the importance of this. I don’t have time for drama, disrespect, gossip, negativity, etc and it has no business in my life, for the sake of my daughter and my husband. Everyone that I choose to surround myself with respects, loves and cares about me and my time. It can seem hard at first, but once I focused on putting my family before anyone else it became the easiest decision ever.
That’s it for now! To sum it all up, in 2020 I plan to challenge myself physically. I plan to live my life surrounded by positivity and respect. And I plan to work harder in every aspect. What are your goals for 2020? I’d love to hear about your top 3 in the comments below!